اكتب برنامج بلغة C لإظهار مؤشر إلى مصفوفة تشير محتوياتها إلى structer
- برمجة
- برمجة سي c
- 2021-05-05
- Wassim
/*Write a program in C to show a pointer to an array which contents are pointer to structure*/
#include <stdio.h>
struct employee
char *empname;
int empid;
int main()
printf("\n\n Pointer : Show a pointer to an array which contents are pointer to structure :\n");
static struct employee emp1={"Jhon",1001},emp2={"Alex",1002},emp3={"Taylor",1003};
struct employee(*arr[])={&emp1,&emp2,&emp3};
struct employee(*(*pt)[3])=&arr;
printf(" Exmployee Name : %s \n",(**(*pt+1)).empname);
printf("---------------- Explanation --------------------\n");
printf("= (**(*&arr+1)).empname as pt=&arr\n");
printf("= (**(arr+1)).empname from rule *&pt = pt\n");
printf("= (*arr[1]).empname from rule *(pt+i) = pt[i]\n");
printf("= (*&emp2).empname as arr[1] = &emp2\n");
printf("= emp2.empname = Alex from rule *&pt = pt\n\n");
printf(" Employee ID : %d\n",(*(*pt+1))->empid);
printf("---------------- Explanation --------------------\n");
printf("(*(*pt+1))-> empid\n");
printf("= (**(*pt+1)).empid from rule -> = (*).\n");
printf("= emp2.empid = 1002\n");
return 0;
القوائم الدراسية التي ينتمي لها السؤال