اكتب برنامج بلغة C لإظهار التصريح الأساسي للمؤشر

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اكتب برنامج بلغة C لإظهار التصريح الأساسي للمؤشر

الخرج المتوقع :

 Pointer : Show the basic declaration of pointer :
 Here is m=10, n and o are two integer variable and *z is an integer
 z stores the address of m  = 0x7ffd763082b4
 *z stores the value of m = 10
 &m is the address of m = 0x7ffd763082b4
 &n stores the address of n = 0x7ffd763082b8
 &o  stores the address of o = 0x7ffd763082bc
 &z stores the address of z = 0x7ffd763082c0


/*Write a program in C to show the basic declaration of pointer*/

#include <stdio.h>
void main(void)
int m=10,n,o;
int *z=&m ;

	printf("\n\n Pointer : Show the basic declaration of pointer :\n");
	printf(" Here is m=10, n and o are two integer variable and *z is an integer");	
	printf("\n\n z stores the address of m  = %p\n",  z); // z is a pointer so %p would print the address
	printf("\n *z stores the value of m = %i\n",   *z); 
	printf("\n &m is the address of m = %p\n",   &m); // &m gives the address of the integer variable m 
                             // so %p is the specifier for that address
	printf("\n &n stores the address of n = %p\n",   &n);
	printf("\n &o  stores the address of o = %p\n",   &o);
	printf("\n &z stores the address of z = %p\n\n", &z); // &z gives the address, where the pointer z is 
                             // stored -> still an address -> %p is the right
                             // specifier        
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