منهج مادة الحوسبة السحابية cs 439 جامعة الامام

وصف المادة:

Introduces Cloud Computing from concepts to economics in addition of covering related issues in applications, cloud management, performance, security, and architecture.


Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Describe Cloud Computing taxonomy, characteristics, and architectures
  2. Apply knowledge gained from previous courses such as Networks, Security, Distributed Systems, and Software Engineering into Cloud Computing context.
  3. Relate basic business concepts to Cloud Computing (instead of understanding the technical aspects only)
  4. Assess the economical feasibility of various deployments scenarios of Cloud Computing
  5. Select and integrate information from various sources, including electronic and print resources related to the course.
  6. Describe and communicate scientific ideas and research results to others.
  7. Develop a SaaS application to solve a given problem using tools and APIs related to Cloud Computing



  1.  Introduction to Cloud Computing
  2. Economics of Cloud Computing
  3. Security and Privacy Issues Related to the Cloud
  4.  Performance issues in Cloud Computing
  5.  Cloud Management
  6. Cloud Applications

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