واجب عملي لمادة برمجة2  جامعة الامام محمد بن سعود بالرياض

لغة c++


Exercise #1

Write c++ program that simulates a simple calculator . it reads two integers(x,y) and a character (op).

If a character is a + , the sum is printed ; if it is a - ,the difference is printed ; if it is a*,the product is printed ;

If it is a/,the quotient is printed; and if it is a % , the remainder is printed . use a switch statement.


Exercise #2

Write c++ program that reads 10 of numbers, then find the largest and the second largest.


Exercise #3

Dangling –else problem : rewrite the following code to produce the output shown. The only change allowed is the edition of brace .the modified code should have approbation indentation

If(y == 8 )

If(x == 5 )






a-assuming x=5 and y=8 the output is




b- assuming x=5 and y=8 the output is


c- assuming x=5 and y=8 the output is



d- assuming x=5 and y=7 the output is





problem #4

Write the program that solves quadratic equations .a quadratic equation is an equation of the form (ax2+bx+c=0) , where a ,b and c are given coefficients and x is the unknown :

_ first , you should get values for the coefficients a, b, and c to calculate the discriminate (d) d=b2 - 4*a*c.

_if (d is less than zero ), there is no solution for the equation and print "there is no root".

_if (d is equal to zero ), there is one real solution (x1= -b/(2*a)).

_if (d is greater than zero ), there are two real roots :

X1=(-b+ sqr t(d))/(2*a)

X2=(-b- sqrt(d))/(2*a)


problem #5

Write c++ program that reads an integer value n (33>n>0), then prints a series of terms as following :

_the first term should be the value of n

_if the current term=1 the iteration will stop.

_if the current term is (even number ),the next term=current term/2

_if the current term is (odd number ),the next term=1+current term*3

Enter the value of n (0

The result of series where n=6 is :


ابحث عن مسائل برمجة سي بلس بلس | C++ programming بالانجليزي

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