مثال عن محدد عنصر Element selector:
Every paragraph will be affected by the style. Me too! And me!
Every paragraph will be affected by the style.
Me too!
And me!
مثال عن محدد id selector:
Hello World! This paragraph is not affected by the style.
Hello World!
This paragraph is not affected by the style.
مثال عن محدد عنصر class selector:
Red and center-aligned heading Red and center-aligned paragraph.
Red and center-aligned paragraph.
مثال عن المحدد العام universal selector:
Hello world! Every element on the page will be affected by the style. Me too! And me!
Every element on the page will be affected by the style.
مثال عن المحدد لمجموعة group selector:
Hello World! Smaller heading! This is a paragraph.
This is a paragraph.
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1 لا
محتاج مساعة؟ تواصل مع مدرس اونلاين الان!
هذه المادة الدراسية تابعة لمكتبة امثلة اكواد CSS