امثلة عن CSS Display طريقة العرض

مثال عن اخفاء/اظهار عنصر: 






<!DOCTYPE html>
h1.hidden {
  visibility: hidden;

<h1>This is a visible heading</h1>
<h1 class="hidden">This is a hidden heading</h1>
<p>Notice that the hidden heading still takes up space.</p>


مثال عن تغيير طريقة عرض عنصر من بلوك إلى سطري:






<!DOCTYPE html>
p {
  display: inline;

<p>These two paragraphs generates inline boxes, and it results in</p>

<p>no distance between the two elements.</p>



مثال عن تغيير طريقة عرض عنصر من سطري إلى بلوك:






<!DOCTYPE html>
span {
  display: block;

<span>A display property with a value of "block" results in</span> <span>a line break between the two elements.</span>


مثال عن تغيير طريقة عرض عنصر باستخدام جافاسكربت: 






<!DOCTYPE html>
#panel, .flip {
  font-size: 16px;
  padding: 10px;
  text-align: center;
  background-color: #4CAF50;
  color: white;
  border: solid 1px #a6d8a8;
  margin: auto;

#panel {
  display: none;

<p class="flip" onclick="myFunction()">Click to show panel</p>

<div id="panel">
  <p>This panel contains a div element, which is hidden by default (display: none).</p>
  <p>It is styled with CSS and we use JavaScript to show it (display: block).</p>
  <p>How it works: Notice that the p element with class="flip" has an onclick attribute attached to it. When the user clicks on the p element, a function called myFunction() is executed, which changes the style of the div with id="panel" from display:none (hidden) to display:block (visible).</p>
  <p>You will learn more about JavaScript in our JavaScript Tutorial.</p>

function myFunction() {
  document.getElementById("panel").style.display = "block";




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