مثال عن HTML head:
My First HTML The HTML head element contains meta data. Meta data is data about the HTML document.
The HTML head element contains meta data.
Meta data is data about the HTML document.
مثال عن HTML Headings:
Daafoor 1 Daafoor 2 Daafoor 3 Daafoor 4 Daafoor 5 Daafoor 6
مثال عن HTML horizontal ruler:
This is heading 1 This is some text. This is heading 2 This is some other text. This is heading 2 This is some other text.
This is some text.
This is some other text.
2 نعم
0 لا
محتاج مساعة؟ تواصل مع مدرس اونلاين الان!
هذه المادة الدراسية تابعة لمكتبة امثلة اكواد HTML