مثال عن Title Attribute:
The title Attribute Mouse over this paragraph, to display the title attribute as a tooltip.
Mouse over this paragraph, to display the title attribute as a tooltip.
مثال عن href Attribute:
The href Attribute HTML links are defined with the a tag. The link address is specified in the href attribute: Visit Daafoor
HTML links are defined with the a tag. The link address is specified in the href attribute:
مثال عن alt Attribute:
The alt Attribute The alt attribute should reflect the image content, so users who cannot see the image gets an understanding of what the image contains:
The alt attribute should reflect the image content, so users who cannot see the image gets an understanding of what the image contains:
مثال عن width & height Attributes:
Width and Height Attributes The width and height attributes of the img tag, defines the width and height of the image:
The width and height attributes of the img tag, defines the width and height of the image:
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