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  • daafoor
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  • مشاهدات: 11540

نموذج اختبار جاهز مع حله في برنامج ms excel


General Questions:
1.set data validation rule(list) for the following fields: position, nationality.
header and footer for the workbook
3.set the page layout settings.

Formulas Questions:(needs formulas and functions)

1.calclate total salaries.

2.calculate average basic salary.
3.calculate highest salary.
4.calculate lowest salary
5.how many
employees we have?
6.how many managers we have?
7.how many
workers we have?
8.create a search form to find an employee by his Id (use vlookup)

9. nomber of employees with sales less 6000 sr


Charts Questions:

1.Draw a pie chart to compare between employees salaries

2.Draw a column chart to compare between employees salaries and sales


Pivot table Questions:(needs pivot tables techniques)

1.how many employees from each nationality? and draw appropriate chart
2.how many employees in each position
? and draw appropriate chart

3.how many saudi managers? and draw appropriate chart

4.how many employees in each nationality belongs to a position? and draw appropriate chart

5.how much is the total sales for each nationality? and draw appropriate chart

6.how much is the total salaries for each nationality? and draw appropriate chart

7.what is the average salary each nationality takes? and draw appropriate chart


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