اكتب برنامج C لقراءة سعر العنصر وإنشاء سعر عنصر جديد وزيادة سعر هذا العنصر وفقًا لجدول سعر العنصر

  • برمجة
  • برمجة سي c

اكتب برنامج C لقراءة سعر العنصر وإنشاء سعر عنصر جديد وزيادة سعر هذا العنصر وفقًا لجدول سعر العنصر

مثال عن الخرج المتوقع :


Input the item price:525
New Item price: 582.75
Increased price: 57.75
Increase Percentage: 11%


/*Write a C program that read the item’s price and create new item price and increased price of that item according to the item price table*/

#include <stdio.h>

int main () 
  float price, increased_price;
  printf("Input the item price:");
  scanf("%f", &price);

  if (price >= 100 && price <= 400){

    increased_price = price*0.14;
    price = price + increased_price;
    printf("New Item price: %.2f\n", price);
    printf("Increased price: %.2f\n", increased_price);
    printf("Increase Percentage: 14%%\n");


      if (price > 400 && price <= 800){

        increased_price = price*0.11;
        price = price + increased_price;
        printf("New Item price: %.2f\n", price);
        printf("Increased price: %.2f\n", increased_price);
        printf("Increase Percentage: 11%%\n");


          if (price > 800 && price <= 1200){

            increased_price = price*0.09;
            price = price + increased_price;
            printf("New Item price: %.2f\n", price);
            printf("Increased price: %.2f\n", increased_price);
            printf("Increase Percentage: 9%%\n");


              if (price > 1200 && price <= 2000){
              increased_price = price*0.06;
              price = price + increased_price;
              printf("New Item price: %.2f\n", price);
              printf("Increased price: %.2f\n", increased_price);
              printf("Increase Percentage: 6%%\n");

              increased_price = price*0.03;
              price = price + increased_price;
              printf("New Item price: %.2f\n", price);
              printf("Increased price: %.2f\n", increased_price);
              printf("Increase Percentage: 3%%\n");

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