/*Write a C program to display the sizes and ranges for each of C's data types*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
int main( void )
printf( "Ranges for integer data types in C\n\n" );
printf( "------------------------------------------------------------\n");
printf( "int8_t %20d %20d\n" , SCHAR_MIN , SCHAR_MAX );
printf( "int16_t %20d %20d\n" , SHRT_MIN , SHRT_MAX );
printf( "int32_t %20d %20d\n" , INT_MIN , INT_MAX );
printf( "int64_t %20lld %20lld\n" , LLONG_MIN , LLONG_MAX );
printf( "uint8_t %20d %20d\n" , 0 , UCHAR_MAX );
printf( "uint16_t %20d %20d\n" , 0 , USHRT_MAX );
printf( "uint32_t %20d %20u\n" , 0 , UINT_MAX );
printf( "uint64_t %20d %20llu\n" , 0 , ULLONG_MAX );
printf( "\n" );
printf( "============================================================\n\n");
printf( "Ranges for real number data types in C\n\n" );
printf( "------------------------------------------------------------\n");
printf( "float %14.7g %14.7g\n" , FLT_MIN , FLT_MAX );
printf( "double %14.7g %14.7g\n" , DBL_MIN , DBL_MAX );
printf( "long double %14.7Lg %14.7Lg\n" , LDBL_MIN , LDBL_MAX );
printf( "\n" );
return 0;
القوائم الدراسية التي ينتمي لها السؤال