Write a C# Sharp program to convert the letters of a given string (same case-upper/lower) into alphabetical order

Write a C# Sharp program to convert the letters of a given string (same case-upper/lower) into alphabetical order

Sample Output:

Original string: PHP
Convert the letters of the said string into alphabetical order: HPP
Original string: javascript
Convert the letters of the said string into alphabetical order: aacijprstv
Original string: python
Convert the letters of the said string into alphabetical order: hnopty


ابحث عن مسائل برمجة سي شارب | c# programming بالانجليزي

using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace exercises
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Original string: PHP");
            Console.WriteLine("Convert the letters of the said string into alphabetical order: " + test("PHP"));
            Console.WriteLine("Original string: javascript");
            Console.WriteLine("Convert the letters of the said string into alphabetical order: " + test("javascript"));
            Console.WriteLine("Original string: python");
            Console.WriteLine("Convert the letters of the said string into alphabetical order: " + test("python"));
        public static string test(string str1)
            return new string(str1.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray());

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