Write a C++ program to check whether a given string starts with "F" or ends with "B". If the string starts with "F" return "Fizz" and return "Buzz" if it ends with "B" If the string starts with "F" and ends with "B" return "FizzBuzz". In other cases return the original string

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Write a C++ program to check whether a given string starts with "F" or ends with "B". If the string starts with "F" return "Fizz" and return "Buzz" if it ends with "B" If the string starts with "F" and ends with "B" return "FizzBuzz". In other cases return the original string

Sample Output:



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

string test(string str)
            if ((str.substr(0, 1)=="F") && (str.substr(str.length()-1,1)=="B"))
                return "FizzBuzz";
            else if (str.substr(0, 1)=="F")
                return "Fizz";
            else if (str.substr(str.length()-1,1)=="B")
                return "Buzz";
                return str;
int main() 
  cout << test("FB") << endl; 
  cout << test("Fsafs") << endl; 
  cout << test("AuzzB") << endl; 
  cout << test("founder") << endl; 
  return 0;      
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