Write a program in C++ to show the manipulation of a string

  • برمجة سي بلس بلس
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Write a program in C++ to show the manipulation of a string

Sample Output:

Show the manipulation of a string:                                    
 The string:: welcome, w3resource                                      
 The length of the string:: 19                                         
 The char at index 1 of the string:: e                                 
 The char at index 1 of the string [using array ]:: e                  
 Is the string empty:: 0                                               
 Retrieve the sub-string from 3rd position for 4 characters:: come     
 The sub-string replace by 'went':: welwent, w3resource                
 Append a string 'end' at last of the string:: welwent, w3resource end 
 Append a string 'end' at last of the string using operator:: welwent, 
w3resource end end                                                     
 The string 'insert' inserting at 3rd position of the string:: wel inse
rt went, w3resource end                                                
 The new string is:: wel insert went, w3resource end                   
 Input a sentence:: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.       
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>    
using namespace std;
int main() 
		cout << "\n\n Show the manipulation of a string:\n";
		cout << " -------------------------------------\n"; 
   string txt = "welcome, w3resource";
   cout <<" The string:: "<< txt << endl;
   cout <<" The length of the string:: "<< txt.length() << endl;  
   cout <<" The char at index 1 of the string:: "<< txt.at(1) << endl;     
   cout <<" The char at index 1 of the string [using array ]:: "<< txt[1] << endl;        
   cout <<" Is the string empty:: "<< txt.empty() << endl;   
   cout <<" Retrieve the sub-string from 3rd position for 4 characters:: "<< txt.substr(3, 4) << endl; 
   cout <<" The sub-string replace by 'went':: "<< txt.replace(3, 4, "went") << endl; 
   cout <<" Append a string ' end' at last of the string:: "<< txt.append(" end") << endl;  
   cout <<" Append a string ' end' at last of the string using operator:: "<< txt + " end" << endl;  
   cout <<" The string ' insert ' inserting at 3rd position of the string:: "<< txt.insert(3, " insert ") << endl;  
   string txt1;
   txt1 = txt;   
   cout <<" The new string is:: "<< txt1 << endl;
   cout << " Input a sentence:: ";
   getline(cin, txt);   
   cout << txt << endl<< endl;
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