مثال على مرحلة جمع المتطلبات بالمشروع functional and non functional requirements | activity diagram

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  • daafoor
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  • مشاهدات: 3419

مثال على مرحلة جمع المتطلبات

usecase diagram

functional and non functional requirements

activity diagram



Recruitment Information system

Information system to handle the recruitment process in hospital of national Guard.




Functional Requirements:

Applicant user:

·       Should be able to upload an application.

·       Should be able to track his application process.

·       Should be able to submit the initial exam when his application approved.

·       Should be able to submit the English exam when his initial exam result is “pass”.

·       Should be able to upload medical check when he asked to.

·       Should be able to sign contract when asked to.


Recruiter user:

·       Should be able to display table of all new incoming application.

·       Should be able to review an application.

·       Should be able to put marks of initial exam of applicant.

·       Should be able to do additional requirements when dealing with an applicant of type “administrative position”.

·       Should be able to put the result of interview with the applicant.

·       Should be able to put the result of medical check with the applicant.

·       Should be able to put the result of sign contract.

English Department user:

·       Should be able to put marks of English exam of applicant.

Training Department user:

·       Should be able to put the result of CDB training.

·       Should be able to put the technical exam result.



Non-functional requirements:

·       User-friendly system.

·       Online-based system.


·       Applicant screens should be cross browser (can fit on all browsers on all size of screens).


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