Write a Java program that accepts three integers from the user

  • برمجة جافا
  • برمجة

 Write a Java program that accepts three integers from the user and return true if the second number is greater than first number and third number is greater than second number. If "abc" is true second number does not need to be greater than first number

Sample Output:

Input the first number : 5                                             
Input the second number: 10                                            
Input the third number : 15                                            
The result is: true


import java.util.*;
 public class Exercise53 {
 public static void main(String[] args)
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.print("Input the first number : ");
        int x = in.nextInt();  
		System.out.print("Input the second number: ");
		int y = in.nextInt(); 
		System.out.print("Input the third number : ");
        int z = in.nextInt(); 
        System.out.print("The result is: "+test(x, y, z,true));
    public static boolean test(int p, int q, int r, boolean xyz)
		  return (r > q);
	   return (q > p && r > q);

Sample Output:

Input the first number : 5                                             
Input the second number: 10                                            
Input the third number : 15                                            
The result is: true
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