Write a JavaScript program where the program takes a random integer between 1 to 10, the user is then prompted to input a guess number. If the user input matches with guess number, the program will display a message "Good Work" otherwise display a message "Not matched"

  • برمجة
  • برمجة جافاسكربت java script

Write a JavaScript program where the program takes a random integer between 1 to 10, the user is then prompted to input a guess number. If the user input matches with guess number, the program will display a message "Good Work" otherwise display a message "Not matched".


// Get a random integer from 1 to 10 inclusive
 const num = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10);
 const gnum = prompt('Guess the number between 1 and 10 inclusive');
 if (gnum == num)
   console.log('Not matched, the number was '+gnum);
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