Write a C# Sharp program to sort a given positive number in descending/ascending order

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Write a C# Sharp program to sort a given positive number in descending/ascending order. 
Descending -> Highest to lowest.
Ascending -> Lowest to highest.
Expected Output:
Original Number: 134543
Descending order of the said number: 544331
Ascending order of the said number: 133445
Original Number: 4375973
Descending order of the said number: 9775433
Ascending order of the said number: 3345779


using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace exercises
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int n = 134543;
            Console.WriteLine("Original Number: " + n);
            Console.WriteLine("\nDescending order of the said number: " + test_dsc(n));
            Console.WriteLine("\nAscending order of the said number: " + test_asc(n));
            n = 4375973;
            Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal Number: " + n);
            Console.WriteLine("\nDescending order of the said number: " + test_dsc(n));
            Console.WriteLine("\nAscending order of the said number: " + test_asc(n));
        public static int test_dsc(int num)
            return Convert.ToInt32(String.Concat(num.ToString().OrderByDescending(x => x)));

        public static int test_asc(int num)
            return Convert.ToInt32(String.Concat(num.ToString().OrderBy(x => x)));
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