Write a C# Sharp program to find the greater and smaller value of two variables
- برمجة سي شارب
- برمجة
- 2021-05-31
- ahmadghneem
using System;
namespace exercises {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
string str = "{0}: The greater of {1,3} and {2,3} is {3}.";
byte xByte1 = 1, xByte2 = 51;
short xShort1 = -2, xShort2 = 52;
int xInt1 = -3, xInt2 = 53;
long xLong1 = -4, xLong2 = 54;
float xSingle1 = 5.0f, xSingle2 = 55.0f;
double xDouble1 = 6.0, xDouble2 = 56.0;
Decimal xDecimal1 = 7m, xDecimal2 = 57m;
Console.WriteLine("Display the greater of two values:\n");
Console.WriteLine(str, "Byte ", xByte1, xByte2, Math.Max(xByte1, xByte2));
Console.WriteLine(str, "Int16 ", xShort1, xShort2, Math.Max(xShort1, xShort2));
Console.WriteLine(str, "Int32 ", xInt1, xInt2, Math.Max(xInt1, xInt2));
Console.WriteLine(str, "Int64 ", xLong1, xLong2, Math.Max(xLong1, xLong2));
Console.WriteLine(str, "Single ", xSingle1, xSingle2, Math.Max(xSingle1, xSingle2));
Console.WriteLine(str, "Double ", xDouble1, xDouble2, Math.Max(xDouble1, xDouble2));
Console.WriteLine(str, "Decimal", xDecimal1, xDecimal2, Math.Max(xDecimal1, xDecimal2));
string str1 = "{0}: The lesser of {1,3} and {2,3} is {3}.";
Console.WriteLine("\nDisplay the lesser of two values:\n");
Console.WriteLine(str1, "Byte ", xByte1, xByte2, Math.Min(xByte1, xByte2));
Console.WriteLine(str1, "Int16 ", xShort1, xShort2, Math.Min(xShort1, xShort2));
Console.WriteLine(str1, "Int32 ", xInt1, xInt2, Math.Min(xInt1, xInt2));
Console.WriteLine(str1, "Int64 ", xLong1, xLong2, Math.Min(xLong1, xLong2));
Console.WriteLine(str1, "Single ", xSingle1, xSingle2, Math.Min(xSingle1, xSingle2));
Console.WriteLine(str1, "Double ", xDouble1, xDouble2, Math.Min(xDouble1, xDouble2));
Console.WriteLine(str1, "Decimal", xDecimal1, xDecimal2, Math.Min(xDecimal1, xDecimal2));
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