Write a C# Sharp program to rotate the elements of a given array of integers (length 4 ) in left direction and return the new array

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Write a C# Sharp program to rotate the elements of a given array of integers (length 4 ) in left direction and return the new array

Test Data: 90, 30, 50, 40
Sample Output: Rotated array: 30 50 40 90
Test Data: -40, 10, -20, -10
Sample Output: Rotated array: 10 -20 -10 -40

Sample Output:

Rotated array: 20 -30 -40 10


using System;
namespace exercises
   class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
           int[] item = test(new[] { 10, 20, -30, -40 }); 
           Console.Write("Rotated array: ");
           foreach(var i in item)
               Console.Write(i.ToString()+" ");
       public static int[]  test(int[] a1)
             return new int[] { a1[1], a1[2], a1[3], a1[0] };
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