Write a C++ program to check if three given numbers are in strict increasing order, such as 4 7 15, or 45, 56, 67, but not 4 ,5, 8 or 6, 6, 8.However,if a fourth parameter is true, equality is allowed, such as 6, 6, 8 or 7, 7, 7

  • برمجة سي بلس بلس
  • برمجة

Write a C++ program to check if three given numbers are in strict increasing order, such as 4 7 15, or 45, 56, 67, but not 4 ,5, 8 or 6, 6,

8.However,if a fourth parameter is true, equality is allowed, such as 6, 6, 8 or 7, 7, 7

Sample Output:



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

bool test(int x, int y, int z, bool flag)
            return flag ? x <= y && y <= z : x < y && y < z;
int main() 
  cout << test(1, 2, 3, false) << endl; 
  cout << test(1, 2, 3, true) << endl; 
  cout << test(10, 2, 30, false) << endl; 
  cout << test(10, 10, 30, true) << endl; 
  return 0;      
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