Define a method countEven() that takes two dimensional array and prints the number of even numbers in the array

  • برمجة جافا

Exercise 10: Define a method countEven() that takes two dimensional array and prints the number of even numbers in the array


//methods benefits:
//suitable for team work
//easier to maintain and update

public class Main
	public static void main(String[] args) {
	    int a[][]={{3,5,1,7,5,2},{6,12,8,3,55,65}};
	public static void countEven(int [][]arr)
	    int count_even=0;
	    for(int column=0;column<arr.length;column++)
	        for(int row=0;row<arr[column].length;row++)
	    System.out.println("the number of even numbers is: "+count_even);
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