Declare two dimensional array called Array2, Change the values of the first row by multiplying each value by two, Print all array elements using the nested for loops

  • برمجة جافا

Exercise 9: Declare two dimensional array called Array2 as following:

int[][] Array2 = {{22, 15, 21, 76}, {43, 36,}, {1, 5, 11}, {564}}

Change the values of the first row by multiplying each value by two.

Print all array elements using the nested for loops.


import java.util.Scanner;
public class HelloWorld
	public static void main(String[] args) {
	    int [][]Array2 = {{22, 15, 21, 76}, {43, 36,}, {1, 5, 11}, {564}};
	    for(int columns=0;columns<Array2[0].length;columns++)
	    //print all array elements using nested loop:
	    for(int rows=0;rows<4;rows++)
	        for(int columns=0;columns<Array2[rows].length;columns++)
	        System.out.print(Array2[rows][columns]+"    ");
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