Write a C++ program to create a new string which is n (non-negative integer) copies of the first 3 characters of a given string. If the length of the given string is less than 3 then return n copies of the string

  • برمجة سي بلس بلس
  • برمجة

Write a C++ program to create a new string which is n (non-negative integer) copies of the first 3 characters of a given string. If the length of the given string is less than 3 then return n copies of the string

Sample Output:



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

string test(string s, int n)
            string result = " ";
            int frontOfString = 3;

            if (frontOfString > s.length())
                frontOfString = s.length();

            string front = s.substr(0, frontOfString);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                result += front;
            return result;
int main() 
  cout << test("Python", 2) << endl;  
  cout << test("Python", 3) << endl;  
  cout << test("JS", 3) << endl;  
  return 0;    
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