import 'dart:io';
void main() {
stdout.write("What square size do you want: ");
int userChoice = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync());
print("Here is a $userChoice by $userChoice board: \n");
void drawBoard(int squareSize) {
// Basic building blocks
String rowLines = " ---";
String colLines = "| ";
// For loop for drawing the board
for (var i = 0; i < squareSize; i++) {
print(rowLines * squareSize);
print(colLines * (squareSize + 1));
// Add the last line to the board
print("${rowLines * squareSize}\n");
أسئلة مشابهة
القوائم الدراسية التي ينتمي لها السؤال
معلومات ذات صلة