Linear Regression problem or a K-means Clustering problem

  • ذكاء صنعي
  • برمجة R


¾    Each student will submit a brief report as an output of this project included command and screen shot for each result .

¾    Problem: You will work on either a Linear Regression problem or a K-means Clustering problem

¾    Dataset: As a first step, you must choose a suitable dataset for your problem. You can find different built-in datasets in R Studio using the command data (), or search online in websites like: kaggle, or use the dataset search engine by google: ttps://

For K-means Clustering group:

¾    You should choose 2 numeric related columns to be your X and Y axes.

¾    Write a summary about your dataset supplemented by the results you get by using one of R functions that display information about your data.

¾    After checking your data, deal with the Nulls if you have any.

¾    Use R and RStudio to solve your specified problem.

¾    Plot the results. Note: If your dataset is very large, (more than 1,000,000 rows) plot only 500,000 rows.

¾    Explain your results.


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